Improve Brain, Body, & Mind Fitness

Wanting to build a unique training program, founder Cindy Reynolds started NeuroFit®, a center for NeuroFitness providing a scientifically proven program designed to improve brain, body and mind fitness by using leading-edge technology to cross-train your brain.


We get to the root… You Find Relief!!!!

To provide the technology and training programs that have been scientifically proven to help each one of us optimally perform in daily life, so that we may achieve fitness on both the physical, neurological and spiritual levels.

NeuroFit – An Integrated Approach

The whole human being is required in the healing process.

Neurological, Physical, and Mental/Emotional systems are all inter-connected! If any one of these systems is out of tune, it will affect how poorly or efficiently we function in daily life. Cross-Training at NeuroFit provides technology to heal all three systems:

  • Technology to Condition the Activity of your Brainwaves
  • Training to Balance the Nervous System in your Body
  • Tools to Strengthen the Positive Power of your Mind


Guess What? Your brain gets bored when it trains using the same modality over and over again, and its response is to stop responding. It reaches plateaus and wants new challenges, gets stuck in old habits and needs new stimulation to continually move forward. So the NeuroFit 360 training program was developed to address just that.

NeuroFit 360 combines several NeuroTechnologies into one training session so the brain is always learning and continually adapting.…so it’s always on its toes and working to the max to regulate itself. Your brain never has a chance to get bored and will reward you by becoming stronger and more efficient. Any one session can be a blend of:


• pEMF • Neuro-Biofeedback • QEEG brain maps • Alpha-Theta • HRV • HEG •
• e-AVATAR • EFT • Meditation • Supplements


The goal of the latest and greatest brain training technology is “faster results in fewer sessions!” At NeuroFit, we take that seriously and intensity is the key. NeuroFit 360 circuit training is a workout, just like going to the gym. As you move through the neuro-circuit your entire brain will get the workout of its life, and you will be amazed at how you feel.

You see, the brain is just like a muscle and requires consistency and repetition to build strength and generate new neural pathways. The training plans we offer are:

2 – 3 sessions a week OR
2 week intensives: 5 days a week, 2x a day for 10 days.

Whichever training package is right for you, the goal is to work hard and stay ahead of the brain, so it doesn’t have a chance to fall back into old dysfunctional patterns and continually moves towards optimal regulation.

    Result Driven

    But, there is more to it than just training. NeuroFit is a program that elicits:

    Observable • Repeatable • Measurable Results

    Whether it’s from session to session or after a series of sessions, we review the results of your training with you, and you can see your brain changing in real-time.

    NeuroFit training protocols are based on your own brain’s electrical output. This scientifically proven technology is profound in its simplicity and ability to get you the results you deserve.

    We believe in what we do because for over fifteen years we have seen it work time and time again.

    Whether the results are in the objective onscreen data or subjectively in how you feel, NeuroFit Marin’s program has proven to be effective. So come to NeuroFit Marin and experience it for yourself!