Thought Patterns: The Key to Enlightenment
Strengthen Electrical Power of Your Mind
Thoughts Are Things and directly affect how you feel and how you progress. So choose your thoughts wisely to enhance your mind fitness and evolve into higher states of being. – Cindy Reynolds
Mind Fitness at NeuroFit
Mind Fitness at NeuroFit teaches you simple tools to tap into the strength of your own mind to reboot your brain’s obsolete programs and hardwire new positive and calming belief systems to live by. You will learn specific techniques to identify challenging life situations and transform them into wonderful opportunities to grow into higher states of being. And…. you’ll have all you need to practice, practice, practice!

Identify Negative Thoughts
Train New Thought Patterns

SOULERCISE® – 7 Steps to Self-Discovery & Englightenment
Use a Soulercise Broadcast Chart to identify the full range of thoughts you are transmitting for any given specific situation.

Thoughts are Things
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.