The first step is a QEEG Brain Map.
Getting a picture of your brain is as easy as 1,2,3.
And, there’s nothing like seeing first hand why you feel the way you do….
EVEN if you have no idea how the brain works.
The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”, couldn’t apply more than here!

Getting that picture, seeing your results, and hearing the answers really is quite simple!
The entire mapping process takes approximately 1 hour.

To prepare for your map:
- Get a good night sleep the night before
- Drink plenty of water to ensure you are hydrated
- Wash and dry your hair, but refrain from using conditioner or products of any kind, particularly close to your scalp
- Bring a list of your medications.
When you arrive at the office for your brain map session, you can expect to:
- Fill out an Intake Form
- Sit in the comfort of an anti-gravity chair or other similar chair
- A 19 channel EEG cap is placed on your head and water-soluble electro gel is placed into each of the 19 electrodes. This is not painful but it may feel cool or “pokey” as well as leave some residue in your hair.
- View your EEG in real-time and evaluate artifact such as eye blinks, eye rolls, and jaw tension.
- Sit for 10 minutes with eyes open and 10 minutes with eyes closed while your brainwave data is captured.
QEEG (Quantitative EEG) Brain Map

Note: QEEG Maps are not a diagnostic tool, so no diagnosis will be given. It is simply a tool to measure electrical activity or “brainwaves” and display the statistics in the form of topographical maps. It allows us to identify which frequency bands need improvement, and it is a guide for building your custom training protocols.
When reviewing your results, you will:
1. Become familiar with your brain’s frequency bands and how they function, especially those frequency bands which are the most dysregulated.
You will see detailed images of the specific areas of YOUR brain that are:
- Overactive
- Underactive
- Stuck in a compensatory state
2. Gain a better understanding of why you feel the way you do.
You will learn how these dysregulated patterns:
- Affect your daily life
- Align with your personal experience
NeuroFit uses Neuroguide brain mapping technology to generate our qEEG brain maps. This software was developed by Dr. Robert Thatcher who also helped to develop the normative EEG database used by Neuroguide to determine how a particular EEG varies from the norm.

Once you have received the results of your Brain Map, we will go over the training plan with you. This includes what technologies are best suited for your training goals and what a custom training plan would look like for you. If you have already signed up, you are now ready to go and begin to Cross-Train your brain. If you haven’t yet decided which package is right for you, getting started is easy.