Brainwaves: The Key to Change
Train Electrical Activity of Your Brain
By using sophisticated software we are able to chart your brainwaves in real time. Known as brain mapping, this leading edge QEEG technology allows us to see exactly which parts of your brain are underactive or which parts are overactive.” – Cindy Reynolds
Brain Fitness at NeuroFit
is a simple process of training the rhythmic pulses of your brain’s electrical activity (brainwaves) to increase the power and flexibility of your brain to function more efficiently. Just like you train certain muscles in your body for physical fitness, you can train specific brainwave frequencies for mental/emotional fitness.

nIR HEG & NeuroField pEMF

Increase oxygenation while giving a frequency
& your brain will mimic and produce it.
Neuroguide LORETA Z-Scores