About Us
NeuroFit @ Jyzen
Our initial consultation is one hour long and simply includes recording the electrical activity of your brain. The data is then analyzed, and a repeat appointment is made to go over the results with you. At that time, you will see detailed images of the specific areas of your brain that are over active, underactive, or stuck in a compensatory configuration. How these dysregulated patterns affect your daily life will also be discussed with you and aligned with your personal experience.
Then your brain will go to work! You will run through a NeuroCircuit using custom protocols that utilize an exceptionally wide range of NeuroTechnologies designed to train specific regions of your brain from all angles. We find the source and you get relief!
The Neurofit Story
Cindy Reynolds, QEEG-T, is interviewed by Dr. Beth McDougall, MD, at the Science of Healing Summit which took place April 2023.
Cindy is Founder and Director of NeuroFit at Jyzen and Dr. McDougall is Chief Medical Officer of Clear Center at Jyzen. In this interview they discuss the NeuroFit brain training program offered at Jyzen, including the ability of QEEG Brain Maps to identify the source of presenting symptoms and the subsequent NeuroFitness training/NeuroTechnology NeuroFit provides to regulate the brain.

-Cindy Reynolds
Founder/Director, NeuroFit
“After my daughter’s mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), I travelled around the country interviewing the top neuroscientists and found a Neurofeedback program that worked! As a result, I have dedicated my life to acquiring and implementing the latest and greatest FDA approved NeuroTechnologies. I knew that if I could help any other family shave even a year off of the seven years it took us to get our daughter’s head injury identified and healed, then everything we went through would be worth it. So, for OVER 12 years now, I have been helping individuals both young and old achieve their NeuroFitness goals. As a result, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked, ‘Why don’t more people know about this?’ Well, now they do!”
— Cindy Reynolds, qEEG-T.
Cindy Reynolds is an International Board Certified qEEG Technologist and Founder of NeuroFit®. With over thirty years of experience in the field of software engineering, Cindy has transferred her technical knowledge to the use of leading-edge Neurotechnology, acquiring and specializing in the most advanced systems available today. She has extensive experience in the analysis of qEEG Brain Maps and has developed a unique “Cross-Train Your Brain” NeuroFitness program to optimize brain function and improve overall Brain, Body, and Soul Fitness.
Since 2010, Cindy has devoted her attention to EEG Biofeedback and Brainwave technology, first providing both 2 and 4 channel amplitude training, and then 19 channel LORETA Z-Score training with an emphasis on the use of qEEG Brain Mapping technology. In the last six years, Cindy expanded her NeuroFitness program to include NeuroStimulation technology using pEMF, tDCS/tACS, as well as HRV and ERP Systems. She is also a licensed HeartMath Provider and a Live02 Level 1 Certified trainer. Most recently the Vielight, a Brain Photobiomodulation device, and Vasper + Live02 oxygenation technologies were also added to help optimize brain function.
Cindy has trained extensively in QEEG and LORETA Neurofeedback by notable QEEG Diplomat Dr. Joel Lubar, Ph.D./BCIA EEG Senior Fellow. She is also trained extensively in NeuroStimulation technology and QEEG/LORETA Z-Scores by Dr. Nicholas Dogris, Ph.D./CEO NeuroField, Inc., and by Jay Gunkelman, one of the most experienced EEG/qEEG specialists in the world. She has also trained with many pioneers in the field, including such scientists and neurophysiologists as Dr. Robert Thatcher, Ph.D – Applied Neuroscience Inc. and Thomas Collura, BCN/QEEG-D/CT – Brainmaster, Inc. She has written several User Manuals for Neurofeedback software and Tool providers, most notably the NeuroField 2015 – 2019 User and Installation Guides.
Cindy believes that the whole human being is required in the healing process – Neurological, Physical, and Spiritual systems are all inter-connected. If any one of these systems is out of tune, it will affect how poorly or efficiently we function in daily life. So, Cindy developed the NeuroFit “Cross-Train Your Brain” program, called NeuroFit 360. Her program combines any one of several NeuroTechnologies into a single training session and includes exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT) using Vasper and Live02. Cindy has been a Soul coach for over 14 years, and because “thoughts are things’, she has incorporated her Soulercise® Soul Fitness program into the NeuroFit training, providing tools to identify and exercise higher Soul thoughts during the challenges of daily life.
Soul Seeker: A Journey to Discover: Who Am I & What Is My Higher Purpose.
Soul Seeker focuses on key moments in the author’s life that paved a pathway of self-discovery and enlightenment which can apply to us all. The tragic events paired with the extraordinary experiences presented here introduce the concept of Soulercise® – to exercise the innate wisdom of your Soul and transform negative thoughts and emotions into a higher vibrational mindset. Soul Bridges explores the concept that Soul fitness is as important as body fitness. Here you learn the 7 Steps to Soulercise and master your daily life.
Soul Bridges: A Pathway to Self-Discovery And Enlightenment.
This compelling follow up to Soul Seeker features 7 powerful steps to evolve into higher states of enlightenment while facing adversity and fulfilling your higher purpose for being on Earth. It’s a unique Soul fitness program that will help you meet life’s challenges, even the most difficult, with mastery, wisdom, and strength.
Cindy is a member of and regularly attends conferences at:
ISNR, The International Society for NeuroRegulation & Research
AAPB, The American Association of Applied Psychological and Biofeedback
Cindy has also been a speaker at the annual NeuroField NeuroTherapy Conference

Dr. Beth McDougall
Founder and Medical Director of CLEAR Center of Health
Beth McDougall, MD has been in medical practice since 1998 and is Founder and Medical Director of CLEAR Center of Health. Founded in 2002, CLEAR offers the best of Western Medicine in conjunction with Naturopathic, Functional, European Biological, and Ayurvedic Medicine, as well as the latest advances from Unified Field Physics.
Dr. McDougall is known as an early pioneer, influential in integrating Complementary Alternative Medicine into Western Medical Academia. As a medical student at the University of Minnesota, she organized a recurring series called Bridging the Gap – first of its kind, where she invited well known thought leaders on Integrative Medicine to speak at her medical school. Later she was one of two students chosen for a historic and trailblazing multidisciplinary task force at the U of M to create a university department coordinating research, clinical services, and education in spirituality, cross-cultural medicine, and Integrative Medicine that was later followed by Harvard and UCSF. As a student, she was honored by the American Holistic Medical association for her efforts.
After Internal Medicine residency at the U of M, Dr. McDougall entered private practice in 1998 at the San Francisco Preventive Medical Group, the oldest Integrative Medicine Practice in the Country. In 1998, Dr. McDougall was among the very first group of physicians to go through Functional Medicine training in the US. She opened her own clinic, CLEAR Center of Health in 2002 in Mill Valley, CA.

Jay Gunkelman
QEEG Diplomate
Jay Gunkelman, QEEG Diplomate, is recognized as one of the top leaders in the field of EEG and QEEG, and has processed over 500,000 EEGs since 1972. He has served as president of The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, as well as a board member and treasurer of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and is a past-president of the Biofeedback Society of California. Jay was the first EEG technologist to be certified in QEEG (1996) and was granted Diplomate status in 2002. He has conducted, published or participated in hundreds of research papers, articles, books and meetings internationally. He continues to lecture on EEG/Prandin at neuroscience meetings worldwide. He has co-authored the textbook on EEG artifacting (2001).
Jay remains busy with current projects and publications related to his seminal paper on EEG Ambien (2005, Clinical Electroencephalography). He is co-founder and Chief Science Officer of Brain Science International and is a popular lecturer worldwide on the topic of QEEG and phenotype identification of neurological disorders.

Nicholas J. Dogris
Ph.D. BCIA GEEG Diplomat
Nick Dogris is full time, California, Licensed Psychologist working in private practice in the beautiful Eastern Sierra Mountain Range. He is BCIA board certified in neurofeedback and has over 12 years of experience in the field. He is the inventor and founder of NeuroField, Inc. which became a formal company in 2008.
Dr. Dogris is trained in the assessment, diagnosis, and psychological treatment of adults, adolescents, and children. He has over 18 years of experience in the mental health field and has worked with diverse populations to include people with chronic mental illness, developmental disorders and geriatric disorders to include Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Dogris is also trained in individual, family therapy, cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic treatment modalities, QEEG, EEG Neurofeedback, Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS), hypnosis, EMDR, voice therapy, court mandated treatment of domestic violence, and play therapy. As well, Dr. Dogris is a Forensic evaluator for the Inyo and Mono County Superior Courts to include child custody, competency, and risk assessments.
For more information: www.neurofield.org